I just want to make a quick suggestion about posting time-sensitive information. Please don't take it harshly because I know it's just an oversight. And I see it often on other posts.
The post talks about today's Watchtower. Yesterday (March 13, 2016) the use of the word "today" enabled one to know exactly which day was being referenced. But a reader reading this post 6 months in the future, would not know exactly what day is being referenced because no date is mentioned.
Since posts remain on the site indefinitely, we all have to try to remember to post a date whenever we refer to events that relate to a particular day. That way future readers can, for example, read this post and go look for the specific Watchtower article that was being referenced, based on the date provided.
It's easy to forget to do this because we live in the now and we generally don't think about the fact that posted information isn't just being read now, but also being read in the future.
What would be good is if there was some special automated script that would automatically tag on the date a post was made, at the end of the first occurrence of the word "today" in a post. So for example a poster writes:
"The congregation bible study today was crazy!".
But when the post is being processed the script runs and adds in the date and final post that's uploaded reads:
"The congregation bible study today [March 14, 2016] was crazy!"
Or maybe the script can insert a tool tip on time words like yesterday, today, this month, etc so that when you point at them with your mouse a little pop up or tool tip displays the date.
Knowing the exact date being referenced can be helpful for future readers.